Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Self Symbol GIF Reflection

1. My self symbol concept was based around creativity. My idea was to be able to convey the fact that I am a naturally artistic person, who loves to think up things and translate them to paper, whether that be through a sketch or a story. I also wanted to convey that I never want to stop creating, and also the fact that while I am usually very quiet, in my head, I never shut up. 
I arrived at this idea after examining my thumbnails (pictured below) and realized that the ones I liked the most were the ones that involved the creatures and animals that I've made up. I actually struggled when thinking initially about this project, because I wasn't sure which aspect of my personality I wanted to convey. I generally don't like talking about myself, and quite a number of my thumbnails conveyed traits that I felt were  but I do enjoy sharing the things that I've created. 
The main character in my GIF is one of those things. The Flying Eggplant Eel takes its origin story from sixth grade. I saw a drawing that one of my friends had done and liked it so much that I created my own version of it, which is the creature that can be seen in the GIF. This image is able to relate to my concept because it depicts something that I've created. I also made it loop forever because I wanted it to convey the fact that I am constantly drawing these Flying Eggplant Eels, and definitely don't plan to stop any time soon!  

2. Here is my GIF- 

3. My original concept for this GIF, as I imagined it in my thumbnail sketches (closeup provided below) was to transform a curlicue into a Flying Eggplant Eel. However, after creating my post-it sequence (also pictured below) I realized that it would be better to have the GIF instead be of one being created, and have each specific frame be a different step in the drawing process. 
I also wanted to make it come to life and fly out of frame because I wanted to convey how real these creatures have become to me over time. Whenever I sketch one, I feel as if it does come alive on the page, and (as crazy as this may sound) has its own personality. I would absolutely love to have one actually come to life.

My thumbnails

A closeup of my thumbnail idea
for the GIF

My post-it sequence. I based
this off of the thumbnail
pictured above. 

After creating my post it sequence,
I started brainstorming further
about what else I could include. It
led to my decision to change my
original idea around a little.