Monday, November 23, 2015

Portrait Transformation Reflection

1. The concept behind my portrait transformation builds on the idea of my imagination. I read quite a lot, and some of my favorite books are ones that create different worlds and transport me to places that are so unlike the Earth we currently live on (examples of these include The Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia). In recent years, I have found myself more frequently imagining what would happen if I wound up in one of the fictional universes from the books I read. In my transformation, I brought this to life by depicting myself looking into a mirror. Instead of myself being reflected in the mirror, however, the reflection is like my alter-ego- or what I think I would look like in, say, Narnia or Middle Earth. The girl in the mirror is surrounded by a tranquil green setting and is dressed in medieval/woodland garb. I'm more or less trying to convey is that I like to imagine myself in different places and living different lives.  

2. Portrait Title: Hopes Lost and Found (it's kind of a cheesy title, sorry). 

3. I am happy with the results. Figuring out what my concept was going to be proved to be much more of a challenge than I anticipated, and when I chose this idea, I wasn't sure if I would be able to make it work. By that I mean that I was uncertain if it was going to turn out the way that I pictured it in my head. But the final result came pretty close to the original idea I had, which was a relief. I actually really like how it came out! 
4. Photos! (All the photos used in this transformation are ones that I've taken. Yes, that includes the photo in the background of the wall) 

This is the photo I used in
the background of the "mirror".
I wanted to have a photo of some
sort of natural setting in the
background to juxtapose the city
where I live with the forest that
I always imagine myself in.
This is my "alter ego" who appears
in the mirror. I wanted her to look like
someone who you wouldn't typically see
in the world today- hence the cloak and
the flower crown. 

The final result

5. I used five layers in this project. The first one was the blue background that is meant to represent the wall on which the mirror is hanging. In order to achieve the textured effect that at least the walls in my apartment have, I used a oil paint filter. Next, I added in the picture frame, and used the free transform tool to make it larger and tilted (using the perspective free transform tool). I then used a combination of the eraser and magnetic lasso tools to cut out the details in the mirror's frame. The next layer was the photograph of the forest (as seen above on the left). I layered it behind the mirror frame, adjusting the size and perspective accordingly so that it looked like it fit. The next thing I did was use the magnetic lasso tool and a layer mask to transfer the image of the "woodsy" girl (as seen above on the right) into the image within the mirror. After doing all this, I made some image adjustments to the layers containing the girl and the forest so that they had similar lighting and color balances. This was in order to make it seem like one seamless image. To do this, I darkened both images, added a slightly greenish/bluish tinge, and used the spot healing tool to make the image of the girl look more like it was taken in natural lighting rather than under florescent lighting. The last and final layer contains the image of me in the foreground, with my back to the camera looking at the mirror. I used the magnetic lasso tool again on the actual image, and then copied and pasted it into another layer. I adjusted the lighting on this image a little bit as well, but kept the florescent lighting look. I wanted to convey the sense that the "me" in the foreground was stuck in the real world, while the girl in the mirror was in another world- in this sense, the woods. 


  1. your idea and concept is really creative and unique. I really like it. Also, I like the lighting and that helped show your concept.

  2. Wow! I love this! It looks very real, and your concept is very clear. The alter ego idea is interesting as well! I like how it is you who is staring at your alter ego. Very unique.

  3. Your concept is very cool I like how you made that mirror effect. Also it looks very well done your picture blends very well with the background.

  4. I like your concept and I think it is reflected well in the final product. I think the background color works really well to balance out your images.

  5. The concept is very cool and creates for a very interesting final image, I really love the use of color in this picture and it makes the image very memorable. This project was straight fire.

  6. I like how you used two different poses, as if the original you were looking into the mirror at another you. It gives the image of reality and another world of fantasy. The concept in general is well thought out.

  7. I think the concept is very interesting because you put you in the mirror to show that you are in another universe. I love that reading Narnia inspire you to do this. The colors and you turn out great. The colors really balanced well.

  8. I love your portrait Ana! <3 It's awesome! The idea of you facing the mirror and finding your inner self is a simple idea, but you made it into something that's creative and complex. I think you used a lot of dark colors for your project, so maybe try a lighter color so the main image can pop out more.
